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Dr. Wendy Bazilian’s
The Intention Canvas:
Coloring Your Year with Balance and Growthl

(free resource!)

Welcome, and thank you for tuning in to the New Year's episode of 1,000 Waking Minutes titled "Ditch Resolutions: Set Intentions That Last All Year"

I'm so happy to offer you a free downloadable resource: The Intention Canvas—a practical tool to help you reflect and set positive intentions with your time.  I designed this to help you think about and craft your waking hours in a way that provides purpose, productivity, joy and balance in your life. And I've used a version similar to this with 1,000s of individuals - and for myself - over the past 25+ years.


I hope you find this useful for your own life - and please adapt it to your own needs.

We're all works-in-progress and this exercise is meant to celebrate that while bringing focus on where you've been and where you hope to go in the time to come.  


Just enter your name and e-mail* to download and I wish you a year filled with fulfilling and well-lived days.!

* I promise to provide only periodic updates that will hopefully delight, and easy ways to unsubscribe if you wish, too. Hope you’ll stay for a while!

Reflect. Plan. Grow. Use this tool to bring clarity, balance, and vibrant intentions to your year ahead.

I'd like to download the Intentions Canvas

*By submitting your email, you agree to receive updates and resources. We respect your privacy and you can opt out anytime.

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